Since 20 years I live in Bierum near the river Eems. During this time I saw big industries rising, farms growing and monocultures occupying the old landscape. I decided to react two years ago with a serie of performances: In Transit. Placing a table and a chair on the dike at the river Eems I wrote several letters on a type writer. The letters to the Eems are assuming the river to be a woman who is misused by patriarchy. A part of the letters I left to the water by letting them go in the wind. Another part I assimilate in the installation Camera Incantatus. I started to study on old folk story’s of times when the landscape of noord Groningen and Ost Friesland were more influenced by enchantment. I wrote these stories to the Eems to remind her of the time she was a naturel and more alive stream.
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